Saturday, June 7, 2008

Weekend Warriors

Ian took the boys to Point Reyes for some beach time. We found a hidden cave and did some exploring. Much to the boys disappointment, we didn't find any treasure or pirates in the cave. We did find an old mattress though, hmmm... maybe not so hidden. Dallin asked if this was the 'napping' cave, I said yes and we moved along quickly. We explored tide pools, found some starfish and played tag with the waves. On the way back to the car we spotted the fabled Point Reyes albino deer herd and Dallin asked me who had painted the deer all white, Andrew quickly replyed "the rangers did so we could see them easier." So the next time we go out there they both want to bring their paintbrushes.


Marvia said...

Hi Michelle! It's Marvia (Gilstrap) Hall! How are you doing? I'm so glad I found you on here.

Jeremy and Amy said...

Cute blog Michelle! It's Amy Kingsley. Blogs are great! It's good to see how the fam is doing. I sent an invite to our blog to Ian's email. You'll have to check out the recent fire post. It's been a fun weekend!